The story behind fistukidz
The whole story behind the name started off when I, Gil Winzelberg, gave birth to our first baby boy on February 7, 2014! The minute my husband and I confronted our little one face to face we started naming him by the nickname “fistuk“, meaning pistachio in Hebrew!
In my past years, I have studied styling and fashion design in Tel-Aviv. Designed my private women’s clothing line and former owner of a boutique selling my private designs combined with styling services to a vast age range of women. Now, living in Frankfurt; Germany. A mother and a wife, I have found a new and fresh interest in children’s clothing! This was what led me to the wonderful idea of building my own online shopping boutique called “FISTUKIDZ”!
After my son’s nickname “FISTUK”! In “FISTUKIDZ” I combine my love for fashion and style with my love for being a mother and a wife. In the world of “FISTUKIDZ” you will find cool…urban…fashionable…stylish…outgoing and most importantly comfortable clothing for your little FISTUKS!!!
“In fistukidz you will find a fistuk for every kid!”
Not everyone knows just yet how to spell fistukidz some will write fistukids, fistukkidz, fistukkids, fistuk kids, fistuk kidz, fistkidz or even just fistuk but no matter how u spell it we hope you will enjoy your fistuk look…